
It's time to travel...

A new adventure is on the horizon...
Yup, that's right, the family are off to India! Sandals are dusted off, bags are packed and guide books have been thoroughly scoured. 4 days to go and then I am off up up and away to a mighty fine destination - one more of the bucket list, tick! Words really cannot describe my excitement so I will save them for when I get back when I am sure I shall have many photos and tales to share with you lovely lot.
I hope you all have a lovely Easter and a rest - anyone got any exciting plans? Going somewhere nice?


GIF Wednesday

Hello there,
This weeks GIF entailed a lot of precarious globe turning and camera balancing, but here it is; my spinning globe GIF...
Spinning globe
My globe is one of my favourite things in my cluttered and colourful room (I confess, I am perhaps what you would call a hoarder...) and I could spend hours studying and spinning, making wild and worldly plans that I one day hope to carry out. This particular globe is really almost a 'vintage' item and I love trying to find all the countries which have been renamed.


Next stop....the World!

The World.
Big place huh.
When people use to say to me so what do when you grow up I would say that I wanted to travel the world. I wanted to explore it. People never seemed to get it. Instead of dreaming of a life as a vet, a teacher, a doctor, pop star; I dreamt of becoming an explorer, venturing boldly and bravely across the globe to the new and exciting, making discoveries to make the explorers of times past I so idolised smile in their places of rest. Oh you mean exploring like studying plants dear? no...but love, they've discovered all the countries already...
I know this of course. And that to be an explorer like those I spent my childhood obsessing over [instead of focusing on whatever my humanities teacher was actually saying] is impossible. But we can have a dream right? Well mine is to travel the world, to see and enjoy as much of our wonderful planet as humanly possible.
Everyone deserves a dream, something to fuel excitement, imagination and inspiration. Something to hold promise and hope. Something for when you want to give up to make you carry on. And who knows, maybe one day I can realise my dream, but for now I can imagine and lust after a life of absorbing new cultures, sights, countries, people, cities, foods, streets, landscapes...
Here's to dreaming, our planet and to the future.

[P.S. Please feel free to comment your own aspirations or travel wishes! I love reading every one of your comments.]